Whatever outside activity you come up with for the kids, getting cold is, and always will be, unnecessary. Especially when there are clothes and material that keep you warm regardless of whether it’s cold outside or if you’ve been soaked in the autumn rains.
We’ve listed three properties of wool that we believe make woollen garments equally as suitable for pre-school as for the mountains.
For your children to stay properly warm, they need clothes that insulate the warm air closest to the body. Our Ullfrotté Original is a knitted terry-towelling fabric which is flat-knitted on one side and has terry-knit loops on the other. These airy terry loops combined with the crinkly woollen fibres trap a lot of air. As the material has very few points of contact with the skin, the clothes do not lead the heat of the body away. The body’s own warmth is instead captured in the material so that your children can keep on playing without getting cold.
When children are outside playing, running and jumping, their bodies become sweaty. So that they don’t get cold and need to stop playing, material and clothes that help to transport moisture from their bodies are important. In a nutshell, moisture from a warm body tries to get out to where the air is colder. Woollen fibres, and the way our material is knitted, help to wick away the moisture, so you stay warm even when the material is damp. This works in exactly the same, whether it’s cold or warm out – our base layers keep you warm in winter and cool when it’s warmer.
We know! As a parent you spend a lot of time doing laundry. But washing clothes is actually what wears them down the most. The neat thing about wool is that it is self-cleaning and doesn’t need to be washed as often. Simply airing it out can be enough, and skipping the laundry is kinder on the environment.
But not all dirt can be aired out, stains from mud, grass and ketchup unfortunately have to be washed off. So when the day comes when you have to wash after all, it’s good to use a special detergent for woollen clothes, such as Woolcare. It is a gentle detergent that contains lanolin, a natural fat in wool, which helps to protect the characteristics of the wool.